Feeling trapped somewhere between yesterday and tomorrow?

Imagine if living your life to the fullest today was just around the corner.

Let’s talk if you…

Want to feel like this:

Peaceful * Self-Aware * Connected to Others * Relaxed * Regulated * Sense of Purpose * Able to manage your feelings * Hopeful * Connected * Authentic * Secure * Wiser * Self-Aware

And you

Ever felt like this:

Anxious* Lonely/Disconnected * Depressed * Traumatized * Frustrated * Struggle to manage your feelings * Discouraged * Insecure * Lost * Angry * Confused


You can call me at 226-918-9077 or send an email below.

Become your authentic self

Improve your relationship with others

Book an Appointment

To book an appointment, click on the button below or send us an email with your questions.

Our Services

  • People generally go to the doctor when they are hurting physically or they believe their body is not working as they believe it should. Psychotherapy has the same function for emotional challenges.

    If you are hurting emotionally or having reflex behaviours you don’t like, psychotherapy can help address those difficulties and provide solutions.

  • I am a certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming Coach. This modality is recognized by the CRPO.

    If you notice areas of your life where you feel stuck, the issue may be at a subconscious level. Let’s work together to get you unstuck.

  • If your Christian faith is important to you, finding a therapist who understands the realities associated with this commitment to Christ can feel very important.

    Whether you live a life centered around Christ or currently struggle to trust Him, as a Christian therapist, I can walk with you on this journey.

  • Being a person of colour comes with its own unique realities and challenges. Navigating different cultures with or without family around has unique difficulties that can sometimes make us feel isolated or misunderstood.

    Being a second generation Canadian, I witnessed the immigrant experience while having to learn how to successfully juggle co-existing cultures within myself and in the world. I come with first hand appreciation of the challenges associated with existing in a Canadian context.

  • Science suggests that male and female brains, for the most part are designed differently at a biological level. For this reason, men and women process experiences and realities with different approaches and strategies.

    When working with men, I like to leave politics outside the therapy room and focus on you and your experience; making your goals the priority.

  • Over the last few decades, society has put a lot of pressure on women to perform, feel, and desire specific things. For some, family experiences have also shaped how we approach every part of our lives.

    I believe that sometimes, as women, we experience anxieties because we are out of alignment with who we truly are. Together, let’s reclaim who you are by re-writing who you want to be in the world.

Ready for a Change?

Book a session today!